Why is Love the answer for everything?
Because everyone and everything has their journey, purpose, and experience. Nothing is to be fixed because everything changes and happens within divine timing according to our desires and vibrations. The beauty within love is surrender, acceptance, release, expansion, and deliverance. When we love without condition and judgment, we are 100% letting everything evolve within this timing, within love, within each experience, and within the experience as a whole. This is holism at its climax. We travel through the dark and the light, put out our desires, and the universe takes over. Understanding that we don’t have to struggle, strive to be happy and healthy, and live within this eternal love is pretty magical. We can flow through life with ease and joy. Really.
How do I know so, and what makes me the expert? Well, many people walk the walk and talk the talk and lead by example, it’s not just me. Nowadays, it seems pretty cool to talk about self-mastery and people's personal experience so we can all keep learning and evolving and help one another. It’s true that when we become selfish enough to help ourselves first, we can then be of better service in this lifetime. My journey from lack of love to self-love and spreading love helps me teach by example. Imagine what could happen to your reality and loved ones when you officially embrace self-love. I consider self-love the beginning, the authenticity of who we truly are, and the journey within to understand. When we truly love ourselves, only then do we stop looking externally for sources of love. This is when peace and change can occur as well.
Once you have a love for yourself, life seems limitless. Anything seems possible through love, our source, the essence of who we truly are as humans and beyond. To be LOVE in every moment in time is powerful stuff. When we display love, we feel loved, and the people around us feel love. When we walk into a space and own our power and be love, it permeates EVERYTHING! (like a scalar wave… google it:)
When we can return to this natural state of being…. LOVE…. we are vibrationally infused with feelings of passion and joy. Possibility feels real. There is a belief in the universe and infinity. We live within holism. We see our thoughts become our reality. We lead with more intention and lead the way with love, shining our inner lights to inspire change. When we embrace love, we are artworks of nature, cutting cords on everything to be free and reminded of the brightness and confidence of spirit. Leading with love looks like mindfulness, self-reflection, exploration of our song, and redirecting ourselves from the external world to the internal world. We might get confused and that’s okay. Confusion feels like disorientation. We tend to believe we see love mirrored outside of us and within other people or in our successes, that is why addiction, overconsumption, and depression occur. Looking for love externally is a 100% setup for feeling let down, disappointed, jealously, rage, fearful, abandoned, hateful, hurt, depressed, and alone…it’s simply a lack of letting in the love and being love.
How can we get to love? Well, if we are already love, all we have to do is shed what is not allowing that love so we can see and feel it. Being with nature is a sure cure. Nature gives back without question. The sun always rises and sets. The earth keeps spinning. The moon always shows its face. The trees and grass keep growing. The oceans still have waves. The birds still come and go. The sand and salt still loofah our feet. We don’t even have to ask and it just does its job. Also, nature doesn’t critique or judge when we make choices that don’t serve our higher purpose. It all just keeps evolving, naturally. Nature seems to give us that spark that says.. “you’re worth it”… and reflects appreciation. So get out in nature, reengage in that next rendezvous, and listen deeply instead of engaging in the feeling of needing to respond. Just be love. If we listen and pay attention to the sounds and sights, we learn nature contains itself and ourselves. There is inner regularity and the law of harmony takes over. That manifests as what we call life or the universe today within our perceived reality. Nature is the best! :)
We can also accept and surrender to the here and now. There is only one moment and a play or stories we create of the past and future that prevent us from that moment. Be present. Be in the moment. That brings us joy and a natural approach to the principle of change. The flow of life and the power of light and music are powerful factors in the “wholeness” of life. When we open up to our authentic selves and love, we find the key to life and how to live because we have clarity. A healing occurs, revealing the wholeness underneath the blockages and disruptions, such as the present pain and fear. Underneath is the TRUTH of LOVE that is within every being. We then feel free to be our authentic selves and get to living a creative and juicy life!
For clarification, rather than define love, let’s go with what love feels and looks like…. Love is when our hearts are open and we feel much gratitude. Love is when we feel the interconnection and become more caring. Love is when we eliminate boundaries and arguments. Love is when we accept, honor, and allow what is inside us. Love is what we do for ourselves. Love is how we are living and being. Love benefits our environments, helps society, and eventually, this earth on which we are allowed to live. Love is there no matter what in every moment in time without condition.
So what is this life, who are we, why are we here, and how do we truly experience this love as a “fixit" mechanism? We are all light and sound and energy and love. So Let your soul light up and give it expression. THAT is the essence of who we truly are. Breathe in that desired life, and let that shine and permeate everything around you. Trust the process, and love your WHOLE self. Only then can we truly have a joyful existence and be helpful in this lifetime.
I love you.