nature to nurture the Self

To believe in nature and feel comforted by nature is the question. Mother nature nurtures us no matter what with sweet aromas, warm sunshine, hydration, light energy, plants and trees, and the most beautiful sites in the world. How can we not be thankful and believe? These natural means are effective and trustworthy.  I don’t know about you, but I never heard a plant tell a lie. :0 Nature is a huge part of the universe and is ALWAYS on our side. Every day. Why would we NOT trust that? The universe always provides us with what we need; it’s how nature responds. Using earthly medicines has been around for ages. Taking steps to nurture ourselves back to our authentic selves is a bold and daring challenge. The process and journey can be soothed by nature.

Nurturing ourselves is a learning process and a getting-to-know-ourselves process. My self-realizations were often hard to stomach, but I made it through. It is ongoing and we are continually transforming throughout our lifetime. As the old beliefs and emotions were transmuted, the sensation of lightness took over. As soon as I stopped putting rules and regulations and conditions on everything, my world changed drastically. As soon as I stopped living in fear and judgment, my stress melted. As soon as I released all the emotional toxins, chemicals, and blocked energies that no longer served my higher purpose, I rejuvenated with nature. Like an empty cup, I had space to fill myself with the positivity and pureness of life and the universe. I lead by the perspective that what made me, can heal me. I went back to the roots. I tended to them and made peace. I planted new seeds. I started to see the real beauty that exists. I plugged into my authentic self. I looked and felt within. I used my mind to further my self-mastery. I tapped into my energetic body and learned how to care for it. I used Nature and Nurturing to heal myself. It is possible.

Universal law and science PROVE that we are all part of the same oneness. The plants, animals, humans, energy flow, frequency, sound, particles and cells, all vibrating and held together with this magnificent force of energy. The meaning of WE is now redefined. If I am you, you are me, we are the wind and the stars and the skies; that’s pretty cool. That means anything is possible. We are like magicians creating this world and our reality. I think I just spoke natural to a whole new level. It’s not just plants and herbs and spices and old folklore anymore. This is the new norm. It’s quantum mechanics, biophysics, energy medicine, mindfulness, human evolution, our deep connection within, and infinity. So if we are all connected, why are we living so disconnected? How do we rekindle our relationship with ourselves and the world?

As I go through my continuous journey of healing, I realize that trauma, unresolved emotions, and past generational ways that passed through the birthing process  ALL affected the trajectory of my life. When I learned that my cancer was not passed on from genetics but 75 percent of unknown possibilities, I knew my life would change. Honestly, I was already looking for a change, and cancer became my friend and light in seeking a better human existence. I became reliant on learning the universal laws and the exact science behind conventional and alternative medicine. From what I can decipher, the conventional approach is simplistic cut it, get it out, medicate it, or vaccinate it.  It seems to deal with symptoms, whereas an alternative approach might deal with the root of the problem. Like a functional medicine naturopath that might use food and exercise to balance the body systems better. However, nowhere in these medical systems does it say, to process your trauma and stress, and get your mind well now so you have a chance at a quality life. My mindset, belief system, my emotions, and generational issues passed down impact our health. We are on the cusp of entertaining the idea that maybe, possibly, NATURAL modalities can tremendously improve our existence.

When I observe different medical and health approaches, it feels like politics. There are two sides; both try to be correct and feel their methods are the best. The end goal is still the same. Both are trying to help in some capacity. My perspective is that there are countless options and choices. My approach is to put them all out there and educate people so they can select what will work best for them. If we could go back in time and fly around the world on a magic carpet, we might be able to see all these options live and in person physically. I might define this as traditional medicine. Methods passed down by certain cultures and traditions. I believe these options must have worked to some degree if people are still talking about them. I think using nature to heal is a pretty positive approach. I believe the universe supplies what we need. So if it happens to be in the form of a crystal, or herbs from the plants, oils from flowers, or vegetables from the ground, I love it completely.

Yes, I like the universal laws. They feel much better than man-made laws. So if I follow any rules or regulations, it will likely be a universal law. If I want to stay out of jail, I might follow man-made laws. If you don’t know or understand universal law, here is your first homework assignment. Go read about them. They are exciting concepts. As long as you are taking time to study, add quantum mechanics and energy medicine to the list. I am not going into depth because I still consider myself a newbie in those areas. It’s not my expertise, but it sure helped me understand how I was able to heal myself naturally from cancer. 

Everyone is unique and has a journey. But in the end, it mostly comes down to the same thing. I spent years listening to people talk to me about their health goals in the fitness industry. Ten times out of 10, they ALWAYS eluded to the same sentiments, “I just want to feel good,” “I just want to be healthy,” “I want to stop taking meds,” and “I want to avoid the chronic conditions that exist within my family.” As we develop our self-mastery… SELF Leadership, SELF Expression, SELF Management, and SELF Expansion, we open up to the natural and authentic SELF. Experiencing the beauty of our self, witnessing all the other selves, and feeling that connection from within is powerful. Stepping into nature to nurture ourselves is real, and I only speak from experience. Letting nature be a teacher is a sure scientific way to feel and become whole.


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