The “Naturalista”

How can you heal naturally? What is natural and why is it good? The answer is precisely why I speak and write about self-mastery, the mind and perspective, understanding our emotions, living holistically, and connecting deeply within ourselves. My natural ideals are nothing new. They have been around for decades and centuries. My question is… How did we get so lost from the origins of the earth and universe that we are conditioned to think modern medicine is the only solution to healing? How can we start to advocate for ourselves, research, and make decisions based on what we feel is best for us? If I were to speak my brutal and honest truth, thank god for covid. It’s opening up minds and awakening our sleepy society. Yes, sadness and fear are attached to the pandemic, and loss always feels horrible. I guess it was the universe speaking very loudly because we have all witnessed major societal shifts. I feel humbled because the pandemic season has mirrored my cancer journey in many ways. Part of me feels happy because this current life season feels like an open door. Many have been silenced because they had unpopular beliefs about natural healing and the importance of holistic self-care in preventing sickness. Now people are being heard, people are listening, and people are trying to change. As a collective, are we possibly using a natural resolution to heal our nation? I like to think so.

When I was taking care of my mother, who passed from cancer, we were gifted time to have many beautiful and profound conversations that allowed me to grow into a brave human. One topic was that I wished both conventional and alternative medicines could work cohesively together to help people heal how they see fit. The idea of presenting all possible options and solutions with good results feels terrific. I am happy to report that my natural healing journey with cancer has brought many resolutions and good questions to the forefront. Creating a cancer-free body has been my bravest and most successful endeavor. I am so invigorated by all I learned that it morphed into pursuing how healthy can I get? How can I help spread health and happiness? Is it possible for me to stay youthful in my body? How powerful is the mind, and how can I use it to heal? How do I stay connected with my higher self and let my intuition and intention guide me all the time? It has been learning curve after learning curve and very adventurous! I turned into an admitted urban treehugger seeking the sunrise and sunset each day to rejuvenate. I am that girl who will mix up concoctions of essential oils, juicy plants, different shades of incandescent lights, singing bowl sounds, chants and mantras, energy enhancement devices, and consume botanicals, all to stay in alignment with my higher self. I have sought out the most “naturalista” I can be, and it feels good! So when you see me next time and comment on my glowing skin and youthful looks, know that it goes way beyond skin deep, and it is for real. Embracing and living a holistic lifestyle has been amazing! Just call me the new “soulista”.

So how did I even attain this type of perspective and living style? Yes, it has to do with the totality of my life, how I was raised, and my experiences. But with my family, the sick people around me, and my sick self, I went through significant life experiences that allowed me to see life from a different angle. I opened up to the preciousness of life and let go of all the surface ailments, thoughts, and ways of being and doing, that did not support my higher purpose or higher consciousness. I explored my mind and opened up to the possibility that I could retrain my brain. I now officially geek out on quantum mechanics, biophysics, the law of attraction, meditation, energy medicine, sound therapy, artistic endeavors, self-expression, and being of service. I will tell you that it FEELS WAY BETTER than Tami 2015. Just sayin. :) There is something about connecting with nature, being together creatively, feeling that connection from your crown chakra to your root chakra flowing with ease, and knowing that the universe has your back that completes a safe, fulfilling, and peaceful existence.

These gradual and subtle shifts are what created a life of serenity. Releasing myself from the shackles of my previous life, opening up to possibility, belief, truth, authenticity, and reconnecting with the natural earth and universe rocked my world. There was no magic pill. There was no magic serum. There was no magical exercise routine. There was no magical supplement. There was no magical superfood. There was no magical diet. There was no magical solution. It was what I was being instead of what I was doing. It was a constant connection to higher consciousness. It was an opening of the gates instead of building protective walls. It was all natural and free. I came to this “aha” after I spent $2500 on an ayahuasca retreat to have a spiritual awakening. A doctor who was participating and privy to my medical condition and tactics to resolve wished me good luck (in a nice way) in healing myself with my mind. At this point, my victim mindset was still in the works of resolving itself. I continued to heal with hallucinogenic herbs and saw how other people reacted to dark and destructive situations. The most profound learning moments have been observing how people react and what happens in the aftermath of perceived darkness. How do we use nature, release what was, transmute what was, open up to the light, and receive a full cup of “this Is how I want life to be” type of medicine?

What positivity can happen when you are diagnosed with a deadly disease? What positivity can happen when you have a chronic condition and don’t understand how to get out of it? What positivity can happen as you age and you feel a decline in youth? What positivity can happen when it feels like the human race is against you? What positivity can happen when you feel like you don’t understand life? What happens when you are born into poverty and feel like you can’t get out? What happens when you feel life has dealt you a lemon and YOU want the whole fruit basket? All these wtf and aha moments are very important, even if they feel or look minute or small. Talking about this openly and naturally resolves many issues that taint our society. We drink venom daily and don’t think twice about its repercussions or how it could impact our life or the universe. Consider a la natural a remedy to transform and catapult you and a life into complete clarity and bliss.

I am likely annoyingly here to tell you the answers are all FREE. Can you imagine a world where your mind can dictate your well-being? If you feel lost or don’t understand, I get it, and I look forward to helping us all understand. Being a “naturalista” is freedom for me and empowering to bring light to the possibility of a better existence. I look forward to a rendezvous. I look forward to feeling good. I look forward to you feeling good. I look forward to exploring more possibilities and feeling good together.

So in time my friends… i love you and cheers to a youthful existence that feels good!X

XO Tami

The “Naturalista”



